Monday, May 23, 2011

Shades of Grey..

Hello Folks, I am back after a long silence.I know the title doesn’t look that attractive, but go through the rest of the post and you will agree that I am making sense here.

Believing that everything is either black or white, no shades of grey, is a sign of a very naive person. Live and learn, and you'll find that kindness, love, tolerance, mercy - all these are only possible by looking at the big picture, instead of focusing on the rulebook.
Do you remember those pantyhose "one size fits all"? Well, they didn't fit anybody. They are like your black and white rule. You can never know all the circumstances of another person's life. If you're going to apply that Rule, you're going to be cruel, unfeeling, intolerant, and judgmental. People who have to have rigid rules are frightened people. They don't trust themselves, they don't want to open up and experience true feelings, and they don't want to exercise their little grey cells.
I'm selfish. I want to be in charge of my own brain. I am supposed to use it. Practice good selfishness.
This abyss you mentioned? What scary story have you fallen prey to?
The black and white Rule makers always want to rule by fear.
Priyanka aka Pranks.!